On the road.
Gypsies about to depart their camp for another long walk.
Let's be honest.
Traveling is a unique experience that requires planning and dedication, and it's a lifelong dream for many.
Throughout my adult years, I've traveled extensively due to my various occupations in fashion design, international teaching and lecturing, aid volunteering, tour guiding and there are definitely challenges.
One particularly memorable experience was driving to France from Britain in a little English car booked by my agent and it looked like it came straight out of the children's book “Noddy”. Although it was a daunting challenge to drive on the opposite side of the road in a vehicle designed to drive the opposite way and navigate through a foreign country where I didn't speak the language after a few bouts of tears I learned “Just get on with it sunshine”
Recently, after some soul searching I decided to embark on a new journey by creating unique and authentic tours in partnership with Mr. Govind, an Indian friend, and our aim is to provide our guests with the most memorable and inspiring experiences. We limit our tours to twelve people.
Once again, to be honest, it’s the way I would like to be treated on a tour. It’s the way you should be treated on tour.