What are you doing at home?

This week I've turned the corner in a way, and I'm preparing for a long time home.

What does 'long time' mean?

Who knows, but I need to plan and get on with what I love doing best—working with Textiles. Hopefully, sometime in the future I can travel and teach again, but I can assure you I will have a large bank of new ideas in the cases.

That said, I'm exploring new ideas, and I'm going to share them with you as I do them.

Doing something different.

Click on the arrows to enlarge the video. you may have to click on the three dots on the side to download it to your computer.

This is what I've been working on for a week or so now.

I took a photo of a lady in India, it's my personal photo.

I changed the photo into a sketch by using an app on the iPad called Sketchmee 2. I can manipulate it to get the effect I require.

I printed two images onto very fine cream fabric bought in India and I think the video will explain it all.

The iPad image.

Inspiration in the downstairs room.


From the studio.


Textile styles in the making.