Clothing and Culture.
We had an opportunity to visit a local market on Sunday.
Lourdes told me that everything had been closed for Easter and Easter Sunday was the day you could buy food for the first time in 3 days.The towns were bustling and the smell of freshly cooked food and the sounds of humanity in its most interesting form invaded the senses. The images below are the cooking of pork crackling and delicious cheeses on display.[gallery type="rectangular" ids="13977,13976,13975,13974,13973"]Every woman is in her Sunday best, even if its just to go to the butcher.
As you can see every woman wore a rebozo which is a long straight piece of cloth with looks like a cross between a scarf and a shawl. Like ponchos, huipils and sarapes they are classic Mexican garments made of straight, mostly uncut cloth, but rebozos have their own characteristics. It is classically a woman’s garment, traditionally hand woven, distinguished by complicated finger woven fringes called rapacejos. The wearing of the rebozo is said to make the movement of a woman more graceful. The wearing of a rebozo by many women is a sign of Mexican heritage.
The Rebozo worn by the women in the market were used for everything from carrying babies, to the groceries.!!!
I have a number of Rebozos and I enjoy wearing them. I will share more about the amazing lace aprons and tops tonight when I get the time to write.